Texas Counselors for Social Justice

TXCSJ Texas Counselors for Social Justice

TxCSJ is a division of the Texas Counseling Association.

Who We Are

Texas Counselors for Social Justice is a division of TCA. We are a branch of the American Counseling Association's Counselors for Social Justice. TxCSJ was officially approved in November, 2007 by the TCA Board and Senate.

What We Do

TxCSJ was created to advocate for and empower people of all cultures and orientations to live with dignity and satisfaction. TxCSJ will collaborate with existing TCA divisions to effect change at the societal level.

Our goals will be met through:

  • Conference and workshop sessions to raise awareness of social justice issues
  • Planned outreach and contributions to the communities that host TCA conferences
  • Training and modeling of civic outreach and social advocacy
  • Dissemination of information via website, Facebook, and the TXCSJ listserv

Why We Need You

Your membership strengthens the voice of counselors in Texas who are willing to take a stand against institutions that maintain the status quo of marginalization and oppression.

As a developing division, we need your voice to shape what TxCSJ will become. Your involvement will help determine which issues of injustice are pertinent in Texas, and how counselors will take part in their eradication.

Become a part of the change you want to see in our world!